Tinuy-An Falls

Day 4: April 30, 2015

Today is the last day for us to explore the wonderful spots in Surigao del Sur. The last but certainly not the least in our list to visit is the majestic waterfalls, the Tinuy-an Falls. It is located in Bislig City, Surigao del Sur. 

I was not expecting much from this place since i thought it's just another waterfalls. But actually, as i saw the waterfalls, i was left in awe to be able to have a view of this amazing nature's wonder. The water that drapes and cascades through the three different levels of the waterfalls makes it more majestic and really worth the long travel. It's not everyday that you will see something like this. Aside from the scenic view of the waterfalls, what makes it more appealing is the lush vegetation and tall trees that surrounds it.

According to Wikipedia, "the falls are 95 m wide and 55 meters (180 ft) high, touted as the Niagara Falls of the Philippines. Tinuy-an is a white water curtain that flows in three levels and is said to be the widest waterfall in the Philippines. Every morning, the area shows a rainbow between 9 a.m. to 11 a.m."

To get to the top level of the waterfalls, you must first conquer a very steep terrain and slippery stairs just to get there; It's quite scary going up because it's too high. hehe (sometime i think i have a fear of heights

Finally we have reached the top level of the waterfalls after a few minutes of hiking. It was really magnificent! I can't help myself but feeling grand as i see this view. It's worth the effort of climbing.

Now it's time to soak up in the sun and time to plunge in the cold water and just have fun creating awesome memories with the cousins.

It was really fun and exciting! No money can buy the experience i had with my relatives and how hapy i am bonding with them in a short period of time. This maybe the last destination in our week-long summer vacation and #SurigaoInvasion, but the memories and bonding doesn't end here. 

Til the next adventure with all you guys! I'll be looking forward to seek more adventures and creating memories with all of you.
