Be Brave and Make it Happen


The SM Youth's new contest showcases the creativity and the personality of each individual. In this manner people can identify which category they really belong in terms of fashion. 

There are several categories that you can choose from Swaggernaut, Packlader, Preppy Kid, Art Enthusiast, Jock Attack, and A-Gamer. These categories has really different styles from each other.

Its my first time to enter a contest like this because even before i'm not so confident with my fashion style, until the time that people appreciate my looks every wash day :)

For this entry  I accidentally entered to the category of  "Preppy Kid", where supposedly i was going to join "THE ART ENTHUSIAST". This is really my style of fashion. I want to have neutral colors matched with super bright colored accents and accessories   I really want to have that mix and matching of different pallets of colors to give emphasis on the stuff that you want people to notice. As a Photographer, Sky's the limit for me! i wanna show people my creative side though my clothes. 

As the description says: " ART PROTEGES:
If you know Tumblr, and you frequently spend countless nights doodling and taking photos, you are definitely part of the Creative World! Reveal the artiste in you with eye-catching prints, statement graphics and bold colors. Don't forget to accessorize with the most unique pieces in your wardrobe, from quirky buttons to fancy sneakers, dude, the universe is your limit." I know i'm really fit to this category :)

here's the look that i submitted

Button Down (Maldita|Man) bow tie (SM Accessories) khaki shorts (Hang Ten) Sneakers {SM Department Store)
Accessories, Watch (SM Accessories) Canvas Bag (Oxygen Clothing)

Hype this looks on Lookbook


We are asked by SM YOUTH 2 Questions that can define us as Campus Icon

1. Why should you be the SM Youth University Campus Icon?

As an Atenean, Athlete and a Fashion Enthusiast, i can young people through my passion for fashion towards striving excellence and reaching our goals. To be the next icon or SM Youth, I can help those people who are not so confident enough to show their personality through the way they dress. I can be an example for those people not to be afraid to show off their style no matter what people might say .Making a difference by actualizing their full potential. 

2. If you will receive Php 25,000 cash for your school, what project will you do and why?

If ever i will be the lucky person to win, i'll use the money in investing for the schools future activities in cooperation with some school organizations. I can organize a fund raising activity which is in-line with Fashion, such as conducting fashion shows or activities that can expose the creativity of the students like Photo exhibits or contests. With the money, we can help charities and some indigent people in the city with their essential needs.


Please do vote for me here.

here are the steps on how you could vote for me. 

 thank you! and please share the photo. i really need this guys. Your support will be highly appreciated :)


here's another look that i was supposed to submit too.

Graphic Tee (Men's Club) Cardigan (F21 Men) Khaki Shorts (Hang Ten) Sneakers (SM Dept Store) 
Accessories and Watch (SM Accessories)

Hype this looks on Lookbook

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